Saturnalia / Saturnario 2nd Edition


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Take a trip through the seedy underbelly of the Caribbean experience. Explore places you won't find in guidebooks, the secret alleyways where tour guides won't take you. Rey Andújar paints a picture of melancholy, sadness, confusion, exploration, hatred, and revenge all set before a backdrop of a region and a people struggling with modernity.

Experimenta un viaje inesperado por el lado sórdido del Caribe. Explora aquellos lugares que no verás en las guías de turistas, los rincones secretos donde los tours prepagados no te llevarán. Rey Andújar dibuja un cuadro de melancolía, tristeza, confusión, exploración, y venganza. Todo esto ante la cortina de una región con gente que forcejea y lucha contra la modernidad.
Dimensions: 5 x 8", 102 pages
Softcover book


7Vientos is an editorial project and publisher of high-quality literature. Its objective is to contribute to a more intense dialogue between Spanish and English in the United States and Latin America.