From the Inside is the autobiographical account of a rebellious adolescent's run-ins with—and attempted escapes from—the law, an abusive and uninterested family from the North Shore, the Menninger Clinic sanitarium, budding teenage sexuality, and, among the many other expected consequences of youthful deviance, the inner-workings of one’s own medicated and shifting mind. Timmis passed away in 2002 and no one in his family or those mentioned in the book (that could be found) agreed to comment on its authenticity. From the Inside has therefore been treated as a found object, left entirely unedited aside from the changing of names and an added introduction from Plastic Crimewave. It is ultimately up to you, the reader, to parse out what is man, myth, and self-assigned legend.
Dimensions: 4.5 x 7.5 x .5"
Materials: Softcover, 155 pages
Featherproof Books
(Wicker Park)
Featherproof Books publishes strange and beautiful fiction and nonfiction and post-, trans-, and inter-genre tragicomedy.