Full color one page zine with background information on Tom Burtonwood's series of work that lives under the umbrella, "A Cube is a Rectangle." Originally produced for his students at the School of the Art Institute Burtonwood uses this format to explain some of the motivations and histories behind this body of work. Unfolding the zine will reveal the first 35 of his drawing of the same name - "A Cube is a Rectangle / Ein Würfel ist ein Rechteck"
Dimension: 4 x 5"
Material: Color laserprint on paper
Tom Burtonwood
Tom Burtonwood (b. United Kingdom) is a Chicago-based multidisciplinary artist, curator and educator. He/they are Associate Professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Like the critical theorist Deleuze, Burtonwood maintains a Baroque sensibility, a fascination with complexity, multiplicity, and the infinite play of forms. He/they hold an MFA from Southern Illinois University (USA) and a BA from Loughborough College of Art (UK). Burtonwood is co-founder of Chicago based creative studio, Happy Returns and a member of the international art collective videokaffe. Burtonwood is a board member and co-organizer of Terrain Exhibitions, an Oak Park based not for profit arts organization that makes private space public through sculpture, installation, performance and interventions. Apart from Terrain he/they have curated over twenty exhibitions of contemporary art working with Chicago - based artist run galleries GARDENfresh (2002 - 2009) and What It Is (2010 - 2015).