A polyvocal novel that follows three teenage friends as they encounter the pleasures and alienation that accompany coming of age in a techno-pharmaceutical society. The Enhancers questions who we are when valued most for our ability to process information. With mental augmentation as a baseline: how do we come to know ourselves and what does it take to break free?
Anne K. Yoder’s fiction, essays, and criticism have appeared in Fence, BOMB, Tin House, NY Tyrant, and MAKE, among other publications. She writes, lives, and occasionally dispenses pharmaceuticals in Chicago.
Dimensions: 4.25 x 7 x 1"
Materials: Softcover book
Meekling Press
Meekling Press is a small “boundary defying” publisher, printer, and arts collective based in Chicago. We are a low-scale and DIT (Do It Together!) press. Many of our editions are handmade, partially printed on the letterpress, and/or hand-bound. We work in collaboration with our authors throughout the design and production process. We are not so interested in boundaries of genre, or in restrictions of length. What is more important is to find that sentence or that novel (etc) its most wonderful, thoughtfully-created nest.