I Saw the Sun by Maren Celest

Candor Arts

Regular price $35.00

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This book and album are meant to perform publicly a private confrontation and catharsis of fear, sometimes powerfully, sometimes on its hands and knees—in hope of seeing seductive mystery in the unknown, and to turn fear into a tool. The words offered have been carefully shaped like knives—sharpened by humor and tempered by the urgency of mortality, with the sharpest ones brought to you in a soft melodic sheath… tools not for violence, but to cut away disillusionment and the unnecessary. On days one needs to cut loose, it hopes to be a book of pocket knives. And, in a more substantial moment, “A long curved blade in the hand of a sweetheart”. On days one needs to cut loose, it hopes to be a book of pocket knives. And, in a more substantial moment, “A long curved blade in the hand of a sweetheart”. ...Or, at least, a good swift kick in the butt from a friend that wants to see you be true.
Dimensions: 7” vinyl, booklet
Materials: Softcover book, vinyl album

Candor Arts 
(West Town)

Candor Arts is a Chicago-based resource and independent publisher of artist books. Their published authors share personal accounts of their lives and offer therapeutic perspectives on learning and healing. Their projects are always derived from human experience and often address social issues in contemporary society.