Tim Kinsella is a musician, writer and artist. His bands include Good Fuck, Joan of Arc, Cap’n Jazz, Owls and Make Believe; his books include Sunshine on an Open Tomb, All Over and Over, Let Go and Go On and On, The Karaoke Singer's Guide to Self-Defense. His life and creative work are the subjects of the Viceland feature documentary “Your War (I’m One of You)” from 2016.
Dimensions: 3 X 10"
Materials: Vinyl sticker
Trunk Show
Trunk Show is a mobile exhibition space usually located in Chicago. Since 2013 we've featured monthly solo shows of commissioned artist bumper stickers. The sticker lives, rides along with, and helps propel a medium beat up 1999 forest green Ford Taurus owned by Raven Falquez Munsell and Jesse Malmed. Bumper stickers are sold à la carte and by annual subscription. Openings follow a nomadic, symbiotic logic and include a public affixing, conceptual catering and thematic soundtrack.