"The original goals of Bridge in the late 1990s emerged from the bedrock notion of interdisciplinarity, of a need to recognize interdependence of art across the disciplines, and to think and combine them where appropriate; we feel this concept has further evolved over the decades. The simple belief behind Bridge is that separate fields of inquiry can and should be thought of as having shared, intersectional horizons. Today, every existing worldview, whether scientific, philosophic, aesthetic, political, or literary must acknowledge its limits or risk being defined as obsolete, unachievable, and incoherent."
Dimensions: 8 1/4 x 5 1/4", 124 pages
Materials: Printed hardback book
Dimensions: 8 1/4 x 5 1/4", 124 pages
Materials: Printed hardback book
Bridge Journal
(Irving Park)
An independent Chicago journal, Bridge began in the early-aughts and published roughly 15 editions, with fiction, poetry, essays and more before transitioning to an exposition production company in 2006. Now, with a small, committed core group, we have relaunched Bridge as a journal. Our goal is to publish a hardcover guidebook to the interdisciplinary art movement which it seeks to provide, in the tradition of the vanguard pamphlets of previous eras -- from Tristan Tzara's "Litterature" magazine to Wyndham Lewis' "Blast." Bridge will be a "periodical," coming out when there's sufficiently quality material to merit publication. bridge-chicago.org